What is the harm of drinking too much coffee?

Many people like to drink coffee, a cup for breakfast, a cup for work, a cup for dinner, a cup for friends gathering… In fact, netizens ask, does drinking too much coffee affect the body? The main substance of coffee is caffeine. After a cup of coffee, caffeine will be quickly absorbed by the stomach and intestines into the bloodstream, and then reach all parts of the body, excite the nerve substances to be released, and then the body will…

Celery can’t be eaten with what

Celery is rich in nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates, carotene, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and other nutrients. But pay attention to collocation, celery can not be eaten with cucumber, chicken, rabbit and other food. Celery should not be eaten with the following foods: 1. Celery should not be eaten with cucumbers. Celery and cucumber are rich in vitamin C, but cucumber contains vitamin decomposition enzyme, this material will break down and destroy the vitamin C in celery, so it…

How to cook and eat eggs healthier?


Eggs are rich in cholesterol and nutritious. An egg weighs about 50 grams, contains 6-7 grams of protein and 5-6 grams of fat. The amino acid ratio of egg protein is very suitable for the physiological needs of the human body and is easily absorbed by the body. The utilization rate is as high as 98%, and the nutritional value is high. It is one of the foods commonly eaten by humans. Eggs are rich in various essential nutrients Each…

The corn boiled like this is fragrant and glutinous and delicious


In our lives, many people like to eat corn, because it not only tastes sweet, but also has very rich nutritional value and can help us digest. When it comes to corn, the easiest and most common way is to boil corn, but many people feel that the corn they cook is not as good as it is sold outside. In fact, there are skills in boiling corn. Generally, people cook corn directly with water. This is wrong. During the…