70 years of hard work, just to create the cleanest country, what is the difference behind it?

Japanese street

The Japanese are the most clean people in the world-in the Internet age, this seems unquestionable. Japan’s cleanliness largely benefits from strict garbage classification and disposal. But if you haven’t lived in Japan, it’s hard to appreciate the harshness of Japanese garbage classification and disposal, almost to an outrageous level. 70 years of hard work, just to create the cleanest country, what is the difference behind it? In Japan, different garbage should be sealed separately with transparent or at least…

Why do the Japanese use the sewer to raise koi

Japanese koi

Maybe you have also heard that the Japanese can raise koi in the sewer. Why do the Japanese use the sewer to raise koi? In fact, most of the sewers in Japan are diversion channels, not sewage outlets. Japan is an island country and their main source of fresh water is rainwater. The sewers in Japan are to collect more rainwater, and the koi is raised in the sewers to purify the water. At the same time, Koi has a…